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Why does the skin itch when stressed: psychosomatic causes

Stress has long been recognized as a powerful factor affecting a person's physical health. One of its unexpected manifestations can be itchy skin, writes IZ. Many people feel that during nervous tension there is an irresistible desire to scratch the skin, even if there is no visible irritation or allergic reaction. Why does this happen? Let's look at the psychosomatic causes of this phenomenon.



How stress affects the skin

The skin is the largest organ of our body, which is closely connected to the nervous system. It performs not only a protective but also a sensory function, responding to any changes in the body. When we experience stress, a large amount of cortisol and adrenaline is released into the blood – hormones that activate the “fight or flight” response.

Nervous tension leads to the following physiological changes:

Psychosomatic causes of itching

Psychosomatics explains many incomprehensible symptoms in terms of a person's emotional state. Itchy skin can be caused by internal tension, fear, or suppressed emotions.

1. Hidden emotions and nervous tension

If a person often holds back their emotions, this can manifest itself through the body. In some cases, itching of the skin symbolizes the desire to “get rid” of internal discomfort. This is especially characteristic of people who do not allow themselves to openly express anger or resentment.

2. Anxiety and panic attacks

People with high anxiety often experience itching during times of emotional stress. It can appear suddenly and worsen during times of anxiety. In some cases, this turns into an obsessive habit of scratching the skin, which leads to microtrauma and inflammation.

3. Psychosomatic dermatitis

There are skin diseases that are directly related to a person's psychological state :

Why does itching get worse at night?

Many people find that itching becomes unbearable at night. This may be due to several factors:

How to get rid of itching caused by stress

To effectively combat the problem, it is necessary to work not only with the skin, but also with the root cause – nervous tension.

Methods of dealing with stress

Skin care

As a reminder, we previously wrote about why the inside of the ear itches and when you should see a doctor.


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