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What does it mean to dream of falling from a height: interpretation of sleep and its meaning

Dreams about falling from a height are some of the most common and vivid dreams that can leave behind strong emotions. They can cause fear, anxiety, and sometimes even a sense of relief, writes IZ. Why do people have such dreams? What can they mean? Let's take a closer look.



The psychological aspect of dreams about falling

From a psychological perspective, falling in a dream often symbolizes instability, loss of control, or fear of the unknown. A person who is experiencing severe stress or feels insecure may have such dreams. This may be related to:

Popular interpretations of dreams about falling

1. Fall without consequences

If in a dream a person falls, but does not get injured or feel pain, this may indicate ease in solving life's problems. Such a dream means that fears are far-fetched, and the situation will be resolved in your favor.

2. Falling from a tall building

This dream is often associated with career or professional difficulties. It can be a signal that a person feels threatened by their position or is afraid of losing authority.

3. Falling into the water

If you fall into water, it could indicate emotional distress. Water symbolizes feelings, and such a fall could indicate a need to delve into an emotional state and find balance.

4. Falling into the abyss

This is one of the most disturbing dream variants, which can symbolize strong fears or a feeling of loss of direction in life. The person is probably experiencing a crisis or emotional exhaustion.

5. The feeling of flying before falling

If in a dream before falling, a person feels lightness or even pleasure from flying, this may indicate liberation from fears and limitations. Perhaps the time has come for change and personal growth.

Interpretation according to popular dream books

Different dream books interpret dreams about falling differently. Here are some of the most common interpretations:

What does folk wisdom say?

According to popular beliefs, falling in a dream can have different meanings:

How to avoid such dreams?

If dreams about falling are recurring and cause concern, you should pay attention to:

We remind you that we previously wrote: what does war mean in a dream, a detailed interpretation of the dream


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