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What are the superstitions about money: the most common financial signs

Money has always been not only a means of exchange, but also the subject of many signs, superstitions and beliefs. People endow it with special energy, believing that certain actions can attract or, conversely, repel financial well-being, writes IZ. Let's consider the most common superstitions related to money that exist in different cultures.



How to save money correctly

One of the most common beliefs concerns where and how you should store money so that it multiplies:

When and how to give and take money

There are many beliefs related to money transfers:

What days are favorable for financial transactions?

Some superstitions are related to when it is best to carry out financial transactions:

Is it okay to count money after sunset?

Another popular belief says: you can't count money in the dark . It is believed that this way you can “scare away” profits. For the same reason, many people do not recommend whistling indoors – it supposedly “drives” money out of the house.

Money talismans and amulets

Many people believe in the power of talismans that help attract money:

Money and energy

Some believe that money has its own energy, and in order for it to always flow, it is necessary to:

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