Near the village of Richne Kalmyuskogo district, discharges from the concrete plant were repeatedly recorded.
River Kalichk, illustrative photo
In the occupied territories, in Zokrema, in Mariupol, a high flow of obstructed rivers was recorded.
The Mariupolskaya Rada told us about this.
A follow-up study carried out on 2024 people showed an excess in the norms of mercury, phosphates, nitrite nitrogen and local purchases of naphtha products.
Occupation power explains the obstruction of sewage and drainage waters, as well as the disposal of “insufficiently purified” government and industrial wastes.
Residents of Mariupol, respectfully, even from the first months of the Russian occupation faced the catastrophic state of the local rivers. In Zokrema, there were numerous photos and videos of the Kalchik River as it gradually dried up and turned into a swamp. The occupiers built a small barrier, through which a significant part of the riverbed became covered with earth and slag. In addition, in the area of the village of Richne-Kalmiuskogo district, discharges from the concrete plant were repeatedly recorded, and through regular interruptions of communication, sewage drains were drained with water.
- Cholera bacteria were detected in 2024 people in the Azov Sea and rivers of the region. Because of this, the occupation government never opened the “beach season”, having officially fenced off the baths. Suddenly, smokers continue to advertise Mariupol as a “resort place.”