On this day, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of Saint Cyril, Archbishop of Jerusalem, who was known for his unwavering faith and service to people. His life was full of struggle for the Orthodox faith and charitable deeds, writes IZ.
- What holiday is celebrated on March 18 according to the new and old style?
- Folk omens and beliefs
- What not to do on March 18
- What can you do on this day?
- Name day March 18
What holiday is celebrated on March 18 according to the new and old style?
In 2023, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine switched to the new Julian calendar, which shifted non-transitory holidays by 13 days. Therefore, on March 18, according to the new style, Saint Cyril, Archbishop of Jerusalem, is honored. At the same time, according to the Julian calendar, this day marks the memory of the holy martyr Conon of Mandon.
Saint Cyril lived in the 4th century and was known for his wisdom and virtue. He headed the Jerusalem See, took care of the poor and hungry, distributing his own property to them. However, his activities did not please the representatives of the Arian heresy, which led to several exiles. The saint was forced to leave Jerusalem three times, but each time he returned. His pastoral ministry ended after the coming to power of Emperor Theodosius the Great, when Cyril was given the opportunity to peacefully continue his spiritual work. He left behind numerous sermons and instructions that have become an integral part of Orthodox doctrine.
Folk omens and beliefs
March 18 is popularly called Cyril's Day, and numerous signs about nature are associated with it:
- If earrings appear on the hazel tree, there will be no more frosts.
- If you still don't see starlings, you should expect a cold snap.
- A midge has appeared – this portends a bountiful harvest of berries and mushrooms.
- Coltsfoot has bloomed – the beginning of April will be warm.
It was also believed that if the swans returned by this day, then a warm spring was just around the corner.
What not to do on March 18
- Arguing and inciting conflicts can lead to long-term enmity.
- Gossip and judgmental behavior will return negative energy to you.
- Bragging about your achievements is believed to cause a loss of luck.
- Borrowing money is believed to mean “giving away” your well-being along with the debt.
- Cut your hair and nails – so as not to “cut” your health and vital energy.
What can you do on this day?
- Pray to Saint Cyril, asking for healing and strengthening of health.
- Start treatment – it is believed that patients who start treatment on this day will recover faster.
- Using coltsfoot infusion for washing your face helps maintain youth.
- Do good deeds – they will bring spiritual and material benefits in the future.
Name day March 18
According to the new style, the day of the angel is celebrated by: Trofim, Cyril, Danil, Dmitry, Natalia, Grigory.
According to the old style, the following names are celebrated: George, David, Ivan, Cyril, Konon, Konstantin, Mark, Nikolay, Fedor.
We remind you that we previously wrote about the church holiday of March 17 and what you can and cannot do on this day.