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Peeing while sitting or standing: why men need to change their position when going to the toilet

Men often don't think about how they sit or stand when using the toilet, writes It may seem like something intimate and insignificant, but the correct posture while urinating can have a significant impact on health. In this article, we will look at why men should consider changing their habits and peeing while sitting rather than standing, from a medical point of view.



Standing position: the traditional choice

Traditionally, men urinate standing up. This has become part of cultural custom and seems to be unquestioned. However, medical research shows that this posture is not always optimal for health. Standing while urinating can put additional strain on the bladder and urethra.

First, when standing, a man cannot fully relax his pelvic muscles, which can lead to incomplete bladder emptying. This, in turn, can contribute to infections, as residual urine in the bladder is an ideal environment for bacterial growth.

Second, when standing, a man cannot control the flow of urine as well as he can when sitting. This often leads to pressure surges, which can contribute to the development of prostate diseases, including prostatitis. In addition, when standing, men are more prone to incorrect back posture, which can cause discomfort.

Sitting position: health benefits

Switching to sitting urination has numerous benefits, and over time, they can have a significant impact on a man's overall health.

  1. Complete bladder emptying : When a man sits, the bladder is in a more natural position, allowing it to empty completely. This reduces the risk of urinary tract infections because there is no residual urine left in the bladder.
  2. Reduces the risk of prostatitis : Sitting allows a man to fully relax his pelvic muscles, which helps avoid putting excessive pressure on the prostate. This is especially important for older men, as the prostate can enlarge with age, and improper urination can lead to inflammation and the development of prostatitis.
  3. Improved blood circulation : Sitting improves blood circulation in the pelvic area, which promotes urinary tract health. Standing can lead to temporary stagnation, especially if a man spends a lot of time on his feet.
  4. Convenience and comfort : Sitting allows you to relax and even continue your work without feeling uncomfortable. It also reduces the risk of stress on the body associated with overstraining the pelvic muscles, which often occurs when a man stands.

Cleanliness and comfort in the toilet: the benefits of a sitting position for a man and his partner

In addition to the medical benefits of sitting urination, there are also practical considerations regarding cleanliness and hygiene in the bathroom. Men who are used to urinating while standing may not realize that this method often results in urine splashing, which then settles on the toilet and surrounding surfaces. This not only looks unpleasant, but also creates extra work for the housewife or partner, who has to clean the toilet more often due to the appearance of unpleasant odors and stains.

When a man sits down while urinating, this problem can be avoided. By sitting down, he can control the flow of urine more precisely, which helps to avoid splashing and keeps the toilet bowl clean. This, in turn, significantly reduces the frequency with which the toilet needs to be cleaned, reducing the time and effort spent on cleaning.

Another advantage is that a man sitting does not create additional unpleasant odors in the toilet, as urine does not splash onto surrounding surfaces, which can help keep the room fresh. This is not only more convenient for the person using the toilet, but also for his partner or other family members, who can save time on cleaning. Accordingly, this has a positive effect on the overall comfort of the home, creating a cleaner and more pleasant environment.

Psychological aspects

The psychological aspects of this issue cannot be underestimated. In many cultures, the habit of standing while urinating has become ingrained as part of social norms and masculine identity. However, it is worth noting that by sitting while urinating, a man not only provides himself with better conditions for his health, but may also view the process as a more thoughtful and healthy approach.

It may be awkward for men to change their habits at first, as sitting while urinating is often seen as less “manly.” However, it’s actually more a matter of health and well-being than social convention.

Simple tips for changing habits

If a man decides to try sitting urination, here are some simple tips to help with the process:

  1. Get used to it gradually : If sitting while urinating is new to you, start by sitting down every now and then. Gradually, your habit will change and it will become natural.
  2. Maintaining hygiene : It is important to maintain proper hygiene while sitting. This will help avoid potential problems such as bacterial growth. Clean the toilet regularly and keep the toilet clean.
  3. Psychological comfort : When changing a habit, you should not forget about comfort. Sitting should not be unpleasant, so choosing the right toilet and additional accessories (such as special armrests) can make the process easier.

Sitting while urinating is not just an alternative, but an important change that can improve men's health. It allows for complete bladder emptying, reduces the risk of prostatitis, and improves blood circulation in the pelvic area. Given these benefits, men should consider changing their habits, because health is more important than any social stereotypes.

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