You've probably already done some spring cleaning at home: you've dusted the carpets, washed the windows, and started detoxifying your body, right? Few people remember that our minds and consciousness also need cleansing, writes Whether it will be spring or weekly is up to you. It depends on what period you are in.
- 1 group
- Group 2
- Group 3
- Advice from Dr. Habib Sadeghi
Sometimes our minds simply overheat from “work.” We've been through tough months, loading it with problems, unresolved mysteries, disappointments, sadness. The mind can also become overloaded with positive emotions, and sometimes both.
Hollywood psychotherapist Dr. Habib Sadeghi believes that emotional overload can lead to serious problems with our physical health. He suggests a spring detox for the mind that starts with answering a few sets of questions.
1 group
- Do you find it difficult to say that you are not feeling well or to tell another person about something unpleasant that happened?
- Do you avoid conversations related to feelings and emotions?
- Do you distance yourself from people, or do you allow them into your inner world?
- Do you often feel lonely?
If you answered “yes” to most of these questions, you are probably used to turning off your emotions and think that this way you will live a calmer life.
Group 2
- Do you ignore your feelings? Do you say about them, “It’s not important, it’s okay, I’ll handle it…”?
- Do you always force yourself to look strong and happy?
- Do you have symptoms of panic attacks?
- What about problems with insomnia and prolonged sadness?
If you answered “yes” to most of these questions, you are probably minimizing your feelings, trying to suppress them (which is not effective).
Group 3
- Do you often find yourself in situations where you feel uncomfortable?
- Do you try to hide your true opinion from people so as not to cause conflict?
- Do you pretend to be someone else in front of your friends? Do you want them to think of you differently than you think they think of you?
If you answered “yes” to most of these questions, you are trying to avoid people, putting a wall between yourself and them.
Advice from Dr. Habib Sadeghi
Now that you have realized some of your problems, do this exercise:
- Grab a piece of paper and a pen and find a comfortable and private place.
- Set a timer for 12 minutes. During those 12 minutes, pour out everything that is bothering you on paper. Even if it is nonsense, just don't stop. The pen should not come off the paper.
- You'll be surprised how much meaningful text will emerge from the crazy thoughts you write down. Just pour out what's on your mind, what you want to change, what you're afraid to do, what you regret, what has hurt you, disappointed you, made you cry, made you feel incomplete, lonely, unrecognized, unappreciated, unloved.
- Write, write, write — for 12 whole minutes, non-stop!
After that, read what you wrote and burn the sheet in a safe place. This will be your symbolic farewell to these emotions. You will feel a huge relief when you see them burn away.
This exercise can be done as many times as you like. It is extremely beneficial for your mind, and therefore for your body.
Previously, we wrote about how to free your head from a large number of thoughts.