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The occupiers are profiting from Ukrainians: the media showed the cost of food in Mariupol

Two years of occupation of this city did not pass without a trace for the remaining Ukrainians – in the “squeezed out” stores they sell exclusively Russian and Belarusian products, while setting shocking prices even for the “social basket”.

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NBN writes about what is sold on the shelves of Mariupol stores and at what cost, citing insider information from the Noviny.LIVE portal.

According to one of the sources publications, stores issue receipts in Ukrainian, since the occupiers simply stole cash registers. In addition, the cost of products is too high – almost all goods are of Russian origin, and only milk and sausages are from Belarus.

In in particular, prices for products that are in high demand are as follows:

Earlier, we wrote about how in Ukraine prices for eggs, milk and bread have changed.

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