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The CNS told how invaders in the occupied regions want to profit from the shortage of eggs in the Russian Federation

At the end of last year, the Federal Statistics Service of the Russian Federation published data – the cost of chicken eggs grew by more than 4 percent/week for 1 month, eventually rising in price by 42 percent amid a shortage, and now it became known how the occupiers intend to “compensate” for such a shortage of product.

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About the fact that due to the absolute inability of the Russian government to meet the needs of the population, in particular , chicken eggs, in the temporarily occupied territories of the Luhansk region, local “authorities” decided to “expropriate” the only operating poultry farm in the region, since the cost of its products continues to grow, writes “NBN”, citing the material of the “Center of National Resistance” (CNS) .

As reported by the Central Tax Service, the police have opened a criminal case against the management of this agricultural enterprise, planning to introduce a so-called “temporary administration” at the poultry farm, which will later nationalize and transfer the said production to the “right hands.”

It should be noted that the situation described above clearly demonstrates not only the attitude of Russians towards the institution of “private property”, but also confirms the low level of thinking of the Kremlin’s henchmen, who are ready to plunder and seize everything that can bring money .

Earlier, we wrote about which occupied regions may suffer from a new ecocide provoked by the Russian Federation.

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