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US Senate Committee approves law on confiscation of Russian assets in favor of Ukraine

The US Senate today, January 24, approved a law that will allow Washington to confiscate Russian assets and transfer them to Ukraine.

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As reported by «NBN«, this was stated in the Reuters material.

Members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee supported by 20 votes the «law to restore economic prosperity and opportunity for Ukrainians».

If this law had been passed by the full Senate and House of Representatives and signed into law by President Joe Biden, the legislation would help usher in Washington's first-ever seizure of the assets of the central bank of a country with which it is not at war.

The head of the Democratic Foreign Relations Committee, Senator Ben Cardin, was optimistic about the that the bill will become law. He explained that it has broad support from both Democrats and Republicans in the Senate and House of Representatives, as well as from the White House.

The House Foreign Affairs Committee passed a similar bill, and it also received overwhelming support from both parties.

Recall that earlier the United States announced that a way had been found to confiscate Russian assets to help Ukraine.

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