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Temporary protection of Ukrainians in the EU: Brussels explained whether they are ready to extend the status of refugees after 2025

According to recent research by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs this month, at least 6.3 million Ukrainians live as refugees “in neighboring European countries and around the world.”

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That if the need arises, the European Union is ready to extend the temporary protection of citizens of our country for at least another year, NBN writes, citing a statement by the Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration of Belgium Nicole de Mur , published in Radio Liberty.

According to de Moore, the EU has made preliminary calculations based on various scenarios, and can still offer protection until March 2025, which is only “one of the possibilities”, which, if necessary, will be expanded.

It should be emphasized that Kiev has not yet decided on a “direct position” (contrary to statements by the adviser to the head of the Presidential Office Ukraine Sergei Leshchenko), concerning the fact that all Ukrainians who fled abroad from the horrors of war are now obliged to return back, and for this reason they must cut social assistance as much as possible, this is exactly what the Deputy Prime Minister said Olga Stefanishina of Ukraine on issues of European and Euro-Atlantic integration.

Earlier, our news portal wrote about how Leshchenko suggested that the EU countries “motivate” Ukrainian refugees to return home.

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