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The US Senate failed the vote on aid to Ukraine: Biden's reaction

American leader Joe Biden spoke very sharply about the event that happened today in the US Senate during the vote on a bill to help Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, as well as new funding for border protection.

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As NBN reports, this is stated in the CNN material .

So, Joe Biden said that he “never before could have even imagined that he would see something like what we are seeing now on Capitol Hill.”  

In addition, Biden accused the former president, Republican Donald Trump, of “threatening” lawmakers with “retribution” if they supported the corresponding package, which also included aid funding for Ukraine and Israel.

According to the head of the White House, the Republicans did this because Trump called and threatened them.   

Recall that we previously wrote that on February 7, the US Senate refused to support the bill on assistance to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan and new funding for border protection.

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