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British intelligence assessed the rate of deterioration of medical care in the Russian Federation after the start of the war with Ukraine

Not so long ago, the Center for National Resistance reported that due to a shortage of personnel at the Ukrainian Medical Center, the Russian “authorities” import medical specialists from the Russian Federation, and, as it turned out, such actions did not go unnoticed for the aggressor country .

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About the fact that as a result of the full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, Russians continue to face a shortage of medical workers, since after the announcement of mobilization in the terrorist state (September 2022), no less than 2 percent of doctors and medical workers decided to quickly leave their country in order to avoid being drafted into Putin’s army (only 3,000 people managed to join the ranks of the invaders), writes NBN, referring to the official X-account of the UK Ministry of Defense.

In accordance with the information of British military intelligence analysts, already in November last year, the medical sector of the Russian Federation lacked about 26,500 doctors and 58,200 paramedical personnel—in the 22 regions of the aggressor country, a significant shortage is recorded doctors, and back in 7, it was characterized as acute.

However, over the past 3 months (as of the end of January of this year), the number of doctors has decreased even more. – by 7 500, however, local society believes that this trend is not caused by flight to other countries, but by low wages and long working hours.

Thus, tangible resource and financial The burden of supporting the Russian Federation's war in Ukraine has negatively impacted the civilian sectors serving the Russian population, and there are no clear signs that these dynamics regarding the reduction in the number of health workers will improve in 2024.

Previously, we wrote about the fact that British intelligence analyzed how the Ukrainian Armed Forces' strike on Belbek affected the air activity of the Russian Federation.

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