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Led the internal troops during the dispersal of the Maidan: Zelensky appointed a new commander of the Troops Troops

The media learned and disseminated very interesting information about the new commander of the Territorial Defense troops, Igor Plakhut, who was recently appointed by President Vladimir Zelensky.

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As NBN reports with reference to material published by Ukrayinska Pravda “, at the time of the Revolution of Dignity, this same Igor Plakhuta worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine as the head of the explosive forces when the Maidan was dispersed.

So, the journalists managed to find out that at night, on December 10, 2013 year, law enforcement officers cleared Euromaidan from barricades. After some time, Igor Plakhuta, former  at that time, as head of the department of the Southern Territorial Command of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he said that there were about 400 fighters of the internal troops, as well as the special detachment “Berkut”. As he noted, “the men in black who dismantled the barricades were utility workers.”   

Also at that time, Plakhuta reported that two Berkut officers were injured during these events.

There is information that on January 2, 2014 , as the media wrote, an official of the Ministry of Internal Affairs went to the Ukrainian protesters for negotiations. According to the resources, it was precisely the commander of the Territorial Defense troops.  

Remember that we previously wrote about how the Ukrainian Armed Forces commented on the likelihood of Avdiivka being surrounded by invaders.

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