The government of our country intends not only to cancel the “simplified tax” for business, transferring individual entrepreneurs to the general system, but also to introduce “progressive personal taxes” for every Ukrainian.
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About the fact that this 18 percent taxation will become possible if the State Tax Service (State Tax Service) gets access to monitoring all banking transactions of citizens, NBN writes, citing the explanation of the head of the parliamentary committee on finance, tax and tax issues. customs policy of Daniil Getmantsev, voiced during a meeting with the identical structure of the European Business Association.
According to Getmantsev, such changes provide for the integration of the tax scale for citizens of Ukraine, tied to their income—categories of the population receiving low salaries will begin to pay less tax: a similar mechanism partially worked in our country until 2016 year. In particular, then people with low incomes paid 15 percent personal income tax to the state budget, and employed people who received more paid 20 percent tax.
However, now the authorities promise to equalize the tax rate by making its the same for all —18 percent, thus referring to the European principle “the rich pay more”, which provides for full access of the State Tax Service to banking transactions of Ukrainians, including recording of transfers/replenishment of cards for accounting funds , and, accordingly, automated “progressive” exactions in favor of the state, but not earlier than after the end of the war.
We previously wrote about the losses the state budget of Ukraine will suffer in February, if the borders are not unblocked by the Poles.