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Biden admits this – Zelensky spoke about the reasons for the defenders’ withdrawal from Avdiivka

Head of State Vladimir Zelensky said that the situation in Avdiivka, Donetsk region, is the result of weakening aid to Ukraine. The President noted that American leader Joe Biden recognizes this.

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During a conversation with media representatives at the Munich Security Conference, the president explained that units of the Defense Forces had to be withdrawn from Avdiivka because the defenders did not have enough resources to contain the enemy, NBN reports.

According to the guarantor, this situation is the result of a weakening of military assistance to our country from the West, in particular the United States. Zelensky noted that American leader Joe Biden recognized this.

The command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces made a deliberate decision to withdraw troops from Avdiivka in order to save the lives of our defenders.

The head of state assured that Ukraine will return everything and will not give anything to the Russian killers. Zelensky added that you need to be confident in this every day, and then there will be victory.

Recall that the Biden Administration stated that the Defense Forces were forced to withdraw from Avdiivka because they lacked ammunition. The day before, the defenders had to ration shells due to a reduction in supplies as a result of the inaction of the US Congress.

As reported, the Armed Forces of Ukraine named the total losses of the Russian Armed Forces for the entire time of the assault on Avdeevka.

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