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Budanov spoke about the Russian Federation’s proposal to transfer to Ukraine the bodies of those killed in the crash of the Il-76

The day before, the Commissioner for Human Rights of the aggressor country, Tatyana Moskalkova, made a statement – the Russian Federation is ready to give Ukraine the bodies of prisoners of war who allegedly died as a result of the liquidation of Il-76.

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About the fact that publicly commenting on such a “transfer of the bodies of prisoners of war”, as well as carrying out the necessary examination, counting the number of dead or studying the circumstances of the incident, can be carried out after the “statement of some kind of readiness” of the Russian Federation, and only after ;will of Ukraine itself, writes NBN, referring to the explanation of the speaker of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense Andrei Yusov, sounded on the air of the United News telethon on the TSN YouTube channel.

According to Yusov, Since the fall of this enemy aircraft, the relevant structures of Ukraine have been conducting their own investigative measures, while simultaneously sending requests for an international investigation, which the terrorist state constantly refuses.

The representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the MOU added – 65 people from the list provided by the official bodies of the aggressor country were in fact Ukrainian prisoners of war, however, the real fate of the listed people is the subject of the current investigation, and separate clarifications that are now ongoing.

Yusov emphasized – the Russian Federation for a long time refused to show the wreckage of the plane, without demonstrating the completeness of the “picture”, in in particular, the bodies – ammunition could have been transported on board the IL-76, but were&nbsp “Whether there are people with them” should be found out. The GUR speaker recalled that Russia did not warn in advance regarding its intentions to transport Ukrainian prisoners of war, and this fact has been publicly proven.

Yusov emphasized:

If it turns out that people were on board, then this is another crime of the aggressor state.

Earlier, we wrote about the fact that Budanov had confirmed an attack on the Belgorod region , reporting the losses of the occupiers.

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