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Infantry support in the Avdiivka direction: unique footage of powerful air strikes by the Ukrainian Armed Forces against the enemy has been released

Army aviation actively supports the Ukrainian Armed Forces infantry at the front. The Avdiivka direction is no exception, where Ukrainian soldiers, supporting the infantry, launched powerful attacks on the enemy’s location from combat helicopters.

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As NBN reports, a video of attacks from Ukrainian aviation on the enemy near Avdiivka, in particular, was released by the 47th separate mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Army aviation actively supports the infantry of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the front.

The Avdiivka direction is no exception, where Ukrainian soldiers, supporting the infantry, launched powerful attacks on the enemy’s location from combat helicopters.

In their publication in TG-kahal, the fighters wrote:

These are unique shots! Army aviation provides support to the infantry and attacks the invaders in the Avdiivka direction.

Recall that we previously wrote about why the Russian Federation continues to sacrifice its aircraft in Ukraine.

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