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The NBU has updated its inflation forecast: how quickly prices for goods and services will rise in 2024

In 2022, as a result of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, the level of consumer prices in the country increased sharply by 26.6 percent, but already in 2023 it dropped to 5.1 percent, and now it became known what to expect this year.

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About the fact that now the price situation remains within controlled limits, and only with the currency some fluctuations are noticeable, writes NBN “, referring to the official Telegram channel of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU).

In accordance with the forecasts of analysts of the National Bank, in the first quarters of 2024, the inflation rate in Ukraine will remain quite moderate, approaching 5 percent, and from the second half of the year, may accelerate somewhat to 8.6 percent by the end of the year.

It is assumed that such dynamics of the inflation process will be provoked not only by more modest harvests (if compared with 2023), due to other weather conditions, which, apparently, in 2024 will approach average climate norms, but the ongoing negative impact of the war on the expenses of entrepreneurs.

Earlier, we wrote about what kind of inflation the Ukrainian government took into account in the March indexation of pensions.

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