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The White House commented on Zelenskaya and Navalnaya’s refusal to attend Biden’s speech

Yesterday, March 6, neither the first lady of Ukraine Elena Zelenskaya nor the widow of the Russian opposition leader Yulia Navalnaya wanted to attend the event at which the message of American President Joseph Biden to the US Congress would be heard.

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The fact that Washington respects both Zelenskaya’s and Navalnaya’s decisions regarding the refusal to participate in the above-described event, NBN writes, citing a statement by White House Adviser on Communications in the Sphere of National Security John Kirby , published by the Voice of America.

According to Kirby, Ukraine still remains a key state for the United States today, since the Ukrainian nation has been resisting full-scale aggression from the Russian Federation for more than 2 years.

The Biden administration spokesman emphasized:

And, of course, this would be an opportunity to recognize America's commitment to Ukraine and the struggle, courage and ;the resilience of the Ukrainian people.

Also, at the same time, the American functionary added that the United States shares grief over the death of Navalny, and will not stop efforts to hold the Kremlin accountable.

We previously wrote about how Naryshkin cynically “explained” Navalny’s sudden death in the colony.

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