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Tariffs for utilities have increased noticeably: the State Statistics Service demonstrated what has changed over the year

In Ukraine there is a moratorium prohibiting raising tariffs only for a limited list of services, that is, control over pricing for some “utilities” is given not to the Cabinet of Ministers, but to supplier companies.

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About the fact that during the year, from February last year to February this year, tariffs for utility services increased, in total and on average, by 12.7 percent, writes “NBN”, referring to  official website of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine (Gosstat).

In accordance with the State Statistics Service data, in addition to electricity (annual growth was 69.7 percent), as well as “blue fuel”, hot water and  heat supply, which remained within the same limits, the cost of the following services increased:

However, only for two utilities prices showed the opposite trend, that is, cheaper:

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Earlier, we informed about how the cost of food products has “jumped” in recent months.

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