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Johnson explained why there is no need to panic about Trump's possible victory in the US elections

Former head of government of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson explained why there is no need to panic about the possible return of former American leader Donald Trump to the White House.

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In the column for the NV publication, the former The British Prime Minister recalled that Biden's opponent was the first to send weapons to the Ukrainians, given that his predecessor Barack Obama did not do this, NBN reports.

According to Johnson, the ex-head of the States at a certain For a moment, he may think that he is capable of negotiating with the Kremlin dictator, but he soon realizes that no agreement with the Russian leader is possible.

The politician believes that if Trump takes the presidency again, he will help protect European democracy and will support Ukrainians in the fight against the occupiers. With his return to the White House, the situation with the ultra-republicans, who call not to provide assistance to Kiev, will also change.

As reported, Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky spoke about the “flirting” of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban with Trump.

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