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The survey showed how many Ukrainians do not consider it possible to restore justice without punishing the Russian Federation

Since the beginning of the full-scale aggression against Ukraine, the Russian authorities have regularly denied committing any war crimes, such as the kidnapping/deportation of children or constant attacks on civilian cities, that is, all accusations related to actions against civilians.

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About that justice regarding the Russian Federation is possible only after the punishment of all those responsible for the invasion of Putin’s army, including appropriate measures of justice for the war crimes of the occupiers, writes “NBN”, citing the results of the survey “Justice in the context of Russian armed aggression”, published on the official page of the group “ Rating.”

In in particular, respondents answered the question about the personal concept of justice in the context of Russian aggression against Ukraine, taking into account the entire period, that is since 2014, and&nbsp ;the results are as follows:

We previously wrote about how Ukrainians’ attitude toward censorship on the Internet changed after two years of full-scale war.

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