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The Ministry of Economy told which industrial sector of Ukraine suffered the most from Russian aggression

Not long ago, the Ukrainian government was informed that the volume of losses incurred by the entire infrastructure of our country due to constant attacks and blows from Putin’s army, at the beginning of this year, amounted to at least 499 billion dollars.

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About the fact that the aggressive actions of the terrorist state have painfully hit virtually all spheres of the domestic economy, but especially severe damage is recorded in the metallurgical industry of Ukraine, writes NBN, citing the explanation of the Deputy Head of the Ministry of Economy Taras Kachka, sounded in the material , posted in the official Telegram channel “TSN”.

According to Kachka, since Mariupol (Donetsk region) was the heart of Ukrainian metallurgy, and the two largest enterprises with seaports, Azovstal and ;“Ilyich Plant” (provided many countries of the world with its products, from Egypt to Uruguay), the occupation of this city by Russia was a serious blow to the economy of Ukraine.

In addition, it should be separately noted  – the damage caused to civilian objects in the Donetsk region, excluding enterprises and factories, already in February amounted to about 38.7 billion dollars.

Earlier we wrote about what Andryushchenko said for what purpose The Russian Federation has deployed dozens of police crews to Mariupol.

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