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The Office of the Register of Damage from Russian Aggression has opened in Kyiv: Ukrainians will soon be able to submit applications for compensation

The head of the Ukrainian state Vladimir Zelensky welcomed the opening in Kiev of the Office of the Register of Damage that was caused by Russian aggression by the Council of Europe.

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As NBN reports, this is stated in Zelensky’s message, which he published on Twitter.

So, Vladimir Zelensky spoke in his publication about a meeting with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Maria Pejčinović-Burich and the Presidency of Liechtenstein Dominic Hasler.

In the publication, Vladimir Zelensky added:

We very much appreciate this decision of the Council of Europe to establish a Register of damage that was caused Russian aggression against the Ukrainian state, as well as the opening today of its Office in Kyiv.

In addition, Vladimir Zelensky also thanked for the significant progress towards ensuring that the Damage Register began to function in full force.

It is also very important that very soon citizens of our country will be able to submit appropriate applications for compensation, — summed up the President of Ukraine.

We recall that we previously wrote about Zelensky’s call for Ukraine’s allies to provide air defense systems to our country.

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