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Gumenyuk named regions in which there is an increased danger of Russia using modified aerial bombs

Yesterday, March 27, Putin’s troops struck Kharkov for the first time, using the UMPB D-30 SN guided aerial bomb, made on the basis of the FAB-250 (a high-explosive aerial bomb with a warhead of 250 kg).

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About the fact that the Russian military-industrial complex (“defense industry”) has begun to modernize the aerial bombs with which the occupiers attack Ukraine, but such attacks are not recorded on all sectors of the front, writes NBN, referring to information voiced by the speaker OK “South” by Natalia Gumenyuk in the telethon on the TSN YouTube channel.

According to Gumenyuk, the Russian defense industry continues to modernize the stock of obsolete high-explosive bombs from standard types to adjustable ones /guided (KAB), equipping these ammunition with “wings”, as a result of which they acquire an increased level of “volatility” – such a projectile will be able to travel from 60 to 70 kilometers.

OK Representative “ South” added that since in the southern regions of our country the aviation of Putin's army has accumulated problems (the destruction of the Ukrainian air defense of several Sushkas and A-50s), enemy planes are afraid to fly close, and therefore fighter-bombers with KABs are the enemy often used in the Donetsk, Kharkov and Sumy regions.

Earlier, we wrote about the fact that OKSouth told the details of the night attack of the Russian Federation on Zaporozhye on March 28.

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