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Sending NATO troops to Ukraine: the Bundestag explained whether this decision would involve the Alliance in a war with the Russian Federation

At the end of last month, French leader Emmanuel Macron made a statement – he does not rule out the potential deployment of ground forces in Ukraine in the future.

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About the fact that, in accordance with the expert assessment of representatives of the lower house of the German parliament (Bundestag), the transfer of ground units of a certain NATO member state to the territory of Ukraine will not automatically make all other partner countries of the North Atlantic Alliance parties to the war with the Russian Federation, writes “NBN”, referring to DPA material.

According to experts, in a scenario in which an individual country, a member of the Alliance, decided to act independently, that is, going beyond the framework of a pre-agreed NATO operation, ignoring all the command structures of a given defense bloc, then neither NATO in ;in general”, no other partner states will be able to become “parties to the conflict.”

In particular, if for some reason the army of an Alliance partner state (for example, France) entered the ;Ukraine, where it resorted to the “collective right to self-defense” (according to Article 51 of the UN Charter) on the side of Kiev in the current war, and then was attacked by the Russian Federation at the time of hostilities, this may not turn out to be the scenario provided for in Article 5 of the “NATO Treaty” (aggression against Alliance member countries/troops on/over their territory).

However, if Putin’s troops dare to strike at targets , located in France, then this will be considered to fall under Article 5 of the NATO Treaty, and all members of the Alliance will respond appropriately.

We previously wrote about what NATO Admiral Bauer called Putin’s key phobia , because of which the Russian Federation launched a war against Ukraine.

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