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Scholz named the only factor that will force Putin to end the war against Ukraine

Germany does not interrupt its efforts to assist Ukraine in the war with the Russian Federation, and regularly calls on other Western countries to continue military and financial support for Kyiv.

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About the fact that the specified regular provision of assistance to Ukraine could become “the key to restoration peace” in Europe, writes “NBN”, referring to a statement by German Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, published in Reuters.

According to Scholz, the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine will end only at the moment when the Kremlin tyrant Vladimir Putin makes the inevitable decision to withdraw troops from the territory of a foreign country. In particular, the president of a terrorist state will come to such a decision only when he realizes that he is not able to win this war on the battlefield.

The Federal Chancellor of Germany added that Berlin will support Kiev as long as necessary, while simultaneously emphasizing the need to strengthen the EU's military-industrial complex:

That's why we're investing more in  own security, and in defense together, as Europeans, so that no one dares to attack us.

Earlier, we wrote about the fact that the Rada explained why Scholz I still haven't decided to transfer TAURUS to Ukraine.

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