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Kislitsa told how many missiles, KABs and Shaheds the occupiers have fired across Ukraine since the beginning of the year

Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN Sergei Kislitsa named the number of missiles, aerial bombs and kamikaze drones that Putin’s occupation forces have fired at our country since the beginning of the year.

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During a meeting of the UN Security Council, the diplomat said that since the beginning of the year, Russian invaders have hit Ukraine with about 2,800 Shaheds, almost 1,000 missiles and almost 7,000 KABs, NBN reports.

Kislitsa clarified that only 3 % of missiles, aerial bombs and strike drones of the “second army of the world” hit military targets in Ukraine, the remaining 97% hit civilian infrastructure.

The permanent representative noted that the Russian Armed Forces deliberately targeted the critical infrastructure of our country, in particular energy facilities. After the shelling of the energy system in March, Ukrainian hydroelectric power stations were damaged, and 80% of thermal energy was destroyed.

The diplomat also recalled that the Russians intensified attacks on Kharkov, where in March they were injured or killed as a result of attacks by the invaders as at least 604 civilians.

The spokesman added that Putin's regime shares identical “toxic DNA” with Hitler's regime. Kislitsa called for learning the lessons of history, noting that the modern predecessors of the Nazis sit on the UN Security Council.

Recall that on the night of April 11, Putin’s army carried out a large-scale attack on Ukraine. Head of State Vladimir Zelensky reported how many missiles and drones the Russian Armed Forces fired at our country.

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