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Shmygal revealed how Ukraine will use US financial assistance

Yesterday, April 20, the House of Representatives of the US Congress approved a bill by Republican Speaker Mike Johnson regarding the provision of financial and military assistance packages to Ukraine.

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About the fact that after the final adoption of the above document, the American budget will allocate almost 61 billion dollars to Ukraine, and also how the Cabinet of Ministers will redistribute these funds, writes NBN, referring to the official Telegram channel of Prime Minister Denis Shmygal.

According to Shmygal, the long-awaited amount of aid from the United States is $60.8 billion, will be distributed as follows:

It should be noted that the bill must still be considered in the US Senate, presumably no later than Tuesday, April 23, and only after approval by functionaries, the document will be sent to American leader Joseph Biden for signature.

Earlier, we wrote about the fact that the ambassador named the timing of sending weapons to Ukraine after approval by the US Congress.

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