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The Israeli Foreign Ministry criticized Erdogan for meeting with the leader of Hamas terrorists

The head of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Israel Katz, criticized Turkish President Recep Erdogan, who met with one of the leaders of the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.

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On April 20, the head of Turkey at the presidential office in Istanbul met with the head of the political bureau of the Hamas militants, Ismail Haniyeh, with whom he discussed ways to achieve a cessation of hostilities in the Gaza Strip and the delivery of humanitarian aid, NBN reports.

As Kreschatic writes, the head of the Israeli Foreign Ministry on his page on the social network X responded to Erdogan’s attempt to establish himself as a mediator in the conflict between Israel and Hamas terrorists.

Katz published a photo in which the Turkish leader and Haniyeh shake hands. The Israeli diplomat wrote that the Turkish leader should be ashamed, recalling that Palestinian terrorists carried out massacres, raped, burned babies and desecrated corpses.

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Recall that the head of the Israeli Ministry of Defense, Yoav Galant, named the condition for ending the ground operation in the Gaza Strip.

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