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Ukrenergo clarified the hours of power outages across the country on April 24

Due to the destruction of a number of objects of the domestic energy system by Russian large-scale attacks, as well as a noticeable increase in energy consumption against the backdrop of cold weather, the country again experiences a shortage of appropriate capacities.

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About the fact that this evening, April 24, in Ukraine will again introduce “controlled restrictions” in the energy supply to industry/business, which may also affect household consumers located on the same line with these infrastructure facilities, writes NBN, citing the official Facebook profile of Ukrenergo.

As it became known, the so-called “power limitation” schedules, on Wednesday evenings, will be used in the period from 5 o’clock to 10 o’clock, as was already recorded earlier. It is assumed that the energy supply to critical infrastructure facilities, including enterprises of the military-industrial complex, will not decrease.

In addition, the above-described consumption restrictions for business/industry will be evenly distributed across the regions of Ukraine. At the same time, household consumers are still obliged to “burn” electricity economically.

Earlier, we wrote that the parliament reported the most likely size of the new tariff for electricity.

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