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Zelensky pointed out difficulties with the supply of Western military aid to Ukraine

Head of State Vladimir Zelensky pointed out the difficulties in providing military assistance to Ukraine from Western allies, speaking about supplies from the United States.

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The Ukrainian leader, during a joint press conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in Kiev on April 29, pointed out difficulties with the Western military assistance for our country, NBN reports with reference to OBOZ.UA.

According to the guarantor, the most difficult first point in this matter has been passed – voting for the allocation of funding for Ukraine, the aid package has already been approved. At the second stage – the timely delivery of weapons to Kyiv, the president does not see anything positive, since the transfer has begun, but it needs to be accelerated.

At the same time, as the head of state noted, questions remain regarding the third and fourth points of this process, because It is still not entirely clear what exactly the Armed Forces of Ukraine will receive and where the defenders will be able to use these weapons.

Speaking about US assistance, Zelensky said that Ukraine has already begun to receive some, but this is not enough to fill Defense forces and staff the appropriate number of brigades.

Recall that at the Ramstein meeting, the Ukrainian leader named our country’s three priorities in military assistance.

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