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The OSGV “Khortitsa” named the main directions in which Putin’s army is trying to break through

At this stage of the war, a dynamic change in the front line is recorded – the occupiers continue to attempt to storm the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, using all available types of weapons – artillery, UAVs and aviation, trying to quickly reach the administrative borders of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

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About the fact that in the Eastern operational zone, controlled by the operational-strategic group of troops (OSGV) “Khortitsa”, there is a significant complication of the combat situation – we are talking about the Bakhmut, Avdeevsky and Novopavlovsky sectors of the front, in which the “liberators” are intensively trying to break through the line of contact, writes NBN, referring to the explanation of the speaker of this formation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Nazar Voloshin, sounded during the telethon on the TSN YouTube channel.

According to Voloshin, on the In the above three directions, the situation has escalated significantly – fierce battles have not stopped here. However, changes in the tactics of the invaders are controlled by the soldiers of the Defense Forces, despite the fact that the enemies are trying to seize the strategic initiative and “infiltrate” the front line. In particular, the “second army of the world” concentrated its main efforts on several directions, intending to take advantage of a certain degree of advantage “in forces and means.”

Also, in the Kupyano-Limansky direction, the invaders are carrying out relatively passive assault operations, if we compare with neighboring sectors of the front, and the defenders “managed to improve their tactical position in the Serebryansky Forest area.”

Earlier, we wrote about the fact that in the Armed Forces of Ukraine revealed the scale of losses of Putin's army in the Eastern direction.

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