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ISW revealed the goals of the Russian Federation, which put Zelensky and a number of politicians and military personnel of Ukraine on the wanted list

On the eve of May 4, the law enforcement agency of the aggressor country announced the start of search activities concerning the Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky, the commander of the Ground Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Alexander Pavlyuk and ex-President Petro Poroshenko, initiating so-called “criminal proceedings” against them business.”

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The fact that declaring the leaders described above as a terrorist state is part of a Russian disinformation special operation, writes NBN, citing the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

According to the “mouthpieces of the Kremlin,” issuing “arrest warrants” for Zelensky, Pavlyuk and Poroshenko will not allow them to visit countries with which the Russian Federation has entered into extradition agreements.

However, The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry indicated that such steps by the aggressor country indicate the desperate situation of Russian propaganda. In addition, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense recently informed that Moscow will transfer the launched information campaign called “Maidan 3.0”, which envisages the formation of doubts in the Ukrainian society regarding the legitimacy of Zelensky’s presidency, into a more active phase, in particular, absolute The operation will reach its peak approximately by the end of this May.

Also, the Kremlin is making more and more efforts, trying to maximally discredit both current and previous pro-Western politicians of our country, thus trying to organize “diplomatic isolation of Ukraine “.

Earlier, we wrote about the fact that ISW pointed out signs of genocide, which the Russian Federation is waging against Ukrainians in HERE is the Lugansk region.

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