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The people's deputy explained why the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs put Zelensky on the wanted list

On Saturday, May 4, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs put Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky on the wanted list. People's Deputy from the political force “Servant of the People” Oleg Dunda explained the Kremlin's move.

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Photo – president

The politician on Channel 24 explained the appearance of the “card” of the head of state Vladimir Zelensky on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the aggressor country. According to the people's deputy, Moscow's putting our president on the wanted list has nothing to do with the destabilizing measures of the Russian Federation, NBN reports.

Dunda compared this step of the Kremlin with the reaction of a predatory monster that begins to gnaw if its paw or tail gets burned . Servant of the People believes that putting the Ukrainian leader on the wanted list is a belated reaction to the arrest warrant for the Kremlin dictator issued by the ICC.

Since the Russian Federation cannot oppose the decision of the ICC, it began to put its representatives and the Ukrainian leadership on the wanted list . At first it was the prosecutor of the Hague court, who is prosecuting the case of the Russian aggressor president, now – representatives of the leadership of our country, in particular the head of state.

The deputy assured that the statement of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation will not affect the perception of our country and its authorities by the international community. The politician recalled that earlier the Russians declared the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the MOU, Kirill Budanov, a terrorist. However, the general remained a significant specialist for the United States and Europe.

Earlier, ISW analysts revealed the purpose of putting representatives of the political and military leadership of Ukraine on the Russian wanted list.

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