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After the “inauguration”, Putin made a statement about dialogue with the West, mentioning the war against Ukraine

On Tuesday, May 7, after the “inauguration” in Moscow, Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin made a statement about Russia’s dialogue with the West, mentioning the so-called “special operation.”

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Speaking to the Russians after the “inauguration”, the head of the Kremlin once again spoke about dialogue with the West and the goals of the full-scale war he unleashed in Ukraine, NBN reports.

In his speech, the dictator said that Moscow allegedly does not refuse to conduct a dialogue with Western states and they have a choice – to continue the policy of aggression, pressure on the Russian Federation, to restrain its development, or to look for ways to peace and cooperation.

The aggressor president, who constantly demands to negotiate on Moscow’s terms, noted that dialogue on security “is possible with mutual respect for interests, without arrogance and conceit.” Putin assured that the Russian Federation supposedly wants to strengthen good relations with states that see it as an honest and reliable partner.

Once again, the head of the Kremlin said that the safety and interests of Russians will be “first of all” for him and thanked citizens who “fight for the fatherland.”

Recall that ISW analysts spoke about the mood of the Kremlin elites on the eve of Putin’s “inauguration.”

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