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Sinegubov reported on the destruction and casualties as a result of the occupiers' KAB attack on Kharkov

On Tuesday morning, May 14, the troops of the aggressor country struck Kharkov with KABs. The head of the regional military administration, Oleg Sinegubov, reported the consequences of the invaders' air attack on the city.

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The head of the OVA in his Telegram channel reported that at 06:30 Putin’s army struck with two D-30 UMPBs in the Kyiv district of Kharkov. One hit was recorded in an open area; as a result of the arrival of the second bomb, three garages were damaged and three were destroyed. The official added that information about the consequences is being clarified.

According to Sinegubov, 4 people were injured from enemy shelling by KABs, NBN reports.

City Mayor Igor Terekhov clarified that as a result of the attack 7 residential buildings, two garage cooperatives, a school and cars were damaged by aerial bombs in the regional center. At the impact sites, all relevant services are eliminating the consequences of the shelling.

We would like to remind you that in the Kharkov region, Russian invaders are attacking KABami and Volchansk. The head of the regional police commented on the attacks on the city, talking about the tactics of the “second army of the world.”

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