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NATO assessed the possibility of invoking Article 5 due to Russian cyber attacks

In accordance with the principle of collective defense of the Alliance, an attempt to attack one of the member countries of this bloc is considered an aggression against all NATO member states, as enshrined in Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty.

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About the fact that any government NATO member countries can request protection from the Alliance, even if we are talking about hybrid operations or cyber attacks from the Russian Federation, NBN writes, citing the Voice of America material.

By  According to an unspecified senior NATO official, the introduction of Article 5 depends on the final outcome of the actions committed by Russia. In particular, the Alliance command is “very clear” that in the cyber sector “things can go beyond Article 5,” as well as the implementation of hybrid sabotage operations by a terrorist state.

The NATO official added  – in the end, any country that has suffered from such Russian attacks can ask for support from its Alliance allies, which will become a precedent, since previously the states of the defense bloc did not need such assistance.

Previously we wrote about that Zelensky explained why Ukraine needs to return the 1991 borders.

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