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Umerov told how Ukraine will spend the first EU tranche from profits from frozen assets of the Russian Federation

In the last week of June it became known that the European Council approved a decision regarding the allocation of 1.4 billion euros for armaments for Ukraine, as part of receiving unplanned income from frozen Russian assets.

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The fact that the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell said something new at the summit in Washington, having met with the head of the Ukrainian defense department, writes NBN, referring to the information released in ;on the official Facebook profile of Defense Minister Rustem Umerov.

Umerov thanked the EU for the important decision on the distribution of income from the frozen assets of the Russian Federation—the European Council will send 90 percent of this money to the Ukraine Assistance Fund , which is part of the European Peace Facility.

At the same time, the European Union and Ukraine entered into an agreement the initial tranche will be spent in three key areas:

Earlier we wrote that Kuleba named 4 key topics that Zelensky discussed at the NATO summit.

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