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Andryushchenko reported “bangs” in the area of ​​the Mariupol airport during the visit of Pushilin and Khusnullin (VIDEO)

This afternoon, in the vicinity of temporarily occupied Mariupol, a series of explosions were heard, apparently in honor of the arrival of the Russian “authorities”.

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About the fact that today near the airport of the specified temporarily captured city it was quite loud and clouds of thick smoke rose, writes NBN , referring to the information published in the Telegram channel of the adviser to the mayor of Mariupol Pyotr Andryushchenko.

According to Andryushchenko, at the moment of “arrival” at the Mariupol airport, Marat Khusnullin (deputy chairman of the state government) was there terrorist) and Denis Pushilin (Gauleiter of the so-called “DPR”), and this is not counting other representatives of the Russian authorities.

Adviser to the mayor of Mariupol added that the place of “arrival” corresponds to the OSINT mark, and  repeated detonation and a subsequent large explosion clearly indicate a successful hit on civilian structures.

Earlier, our information portal wrote about the fact that on July 8, an explosion occurred in Mariupol – under attack the base of the Espanyola PMC was hit.

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