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Warsaw is considering Kyiv's idea to eliminate Russian missiles over Ukraine – Sikorsky

At this stage, Poland is studying Ukraine’s proposal regarding the possibility of “landing” Russian missiles aimed at the territory of a neighboring state, even if these targets remain within Ukrainian airspace.

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About  that the initiative described above was included in the joint defense agreement between Poland and Ukraine, signed during the visit of President Vladimir Zelensky to Warsaw this week, NBN writes, citing a statement by Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski, published by the BBC .

According to Sikorsky, now such actions are nothing more than an idea that Poland will charmingly study. Warsaw, apparently, can only be motivated by recent incidents in which single Russian missiles, traveling close to the Polish border, crossed Belarusian airspace and entered Polish airspace for about 40 seconds. However, such a short time period did not leave the Polish Air Force any time to react.

However, Zelensky’s proposal, theoretically, covers any missile heading through the western regions of Ukraine towards Poland: the ambiguity of the issue lies in the ;that if Sikorsky’s country begins to shoot down these targets in its own airspace, the debris will pose a threat to the lives of the Poles and their property.

Earlier we wrote that Sikorsky told how many people intend to join the Ukrainian Legion.

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