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The IOC reported how many athletes from the Russian Federation and Belarus were allowed to compete under neutral status at the 2024 Olympics

Not so long ago, due to an irreconcilable political position, several sports federations of the aggressor country flatly refused to send their athletes to the Paris Olympic Games 2024.

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About the fact that in total more than 30 athletes from the Russian Federation (RF) and the Republic of Belarus (RB) will still perform at the 2024 Olympics, accepting “neutral status,” writes NBN “, referring to the list posted on the official page of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

As it became known, after a thorough study of the biographies and the actions of the IOC, invitations were sent, and then ;approved by 15 athletes from Russia and 16 from Belarus. However, another 18 athletes from the Russian Federation and 7 from Belarus ignored the invitations described above.

It should be noted that the IOC Executive Committee sends out invitations to participate in a neutral team only to athletes who clearly do not support the invasion  of the Russian Federation to Ukraine, and at the same time not in any way connected with the law enforcement agencies or the army of the Russian Federation/Belarus.

Earlier, we wrote about how the Ministry of Sports spoke about the refusal of a number of Russian athletes to come to the ;Olympics 2024.

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