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The Ministry of Health told how Ukrainians can survive extreme heat

The extreme heat that currently reigns in Ukraine has a negative impact on human health – it causes dehydration, dizziness and aggravates cardiovascular diseases. The Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health told how to protect the body from overheating and loss of fluid, as well as how to protect food from spoilage during a power outage.

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Photo – Scott R/

Experts from the Public Health Center advise Ukrainians to limit their time outside in such weather, in particular from 10:00 to 16:00, when The heat is reaching its peak, NBN reports.

Experts recommend taking cool showers more often and wearing light clothing made from natural materials. You should also drink enough water to help prevent dehydration. It is better to avoid sweet drinks and alcohol in hot weather.

The department clarified that people with heart disease should consult a doctor regarding daily fluid intake. Those who experience weakness, extreme fatigue, anxiety, headache or dizziness in the heat should also seek medical help.

To prevent food from spoiling during a power outage, experts recommend opening refrigerator and freezer doors as rarely as possible . Ready-made meals and products that have been at room temperature for more than 2 hours should be thrown away, as there is a risk of poisoning. Also, you should not try such food to understand whether it is spoiled.

We previously told you how to overcome the feeling of fatigue in the heat.

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