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The US State Department spoke about Ukraine's intention to involve the Russian Federation in the next Global Peace Summit

US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller spoke about the Ukrainian leadership's initiative to involve Russia in the next Global Peace Summit to end the war.

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During the briefing, the US State Department spokesman answered a question from the media about whether the country's leadership encouraged Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky during his visit to Washington to invite the Russian Federation to the Second Global Peace Summit, NBN reports.

According to the official, Washington discussed the issue with Kiev. At the same time, Miller noted that any decisions on diplomatic negotiations should be made by the Ukrainian authorities, and not by a state that is not a party to the conflict.

The State Department representative stated that if Kyiv decides to invite representatives of the aggressor country to the next conference, Washington, as a partner and assistant, will support this initiative.

As reported, US Defense Department spokesman Pat Ryder explained why the US leadership does not allow the Ukrainian Armed Forces to fire ATACMS missiles at the territory of a terrorist state.

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