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The US State Department answered whether Washington's position on attacks on Russia has changed after the transfer of F-16s to Ukraine

U.S. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller answered whether Washington's position regarding launching attacks by the Ukrainian Armed Forces deep into the Russian Federation has changed after Ukraine received F-16 aircraft.

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During the briefing , answering a question from a media representative about prohibitions on attacks by the Defense Forces deep into the territory of the aggressor country, the speaker of the US State Department said that Washington’s position on this issue remains unchanged, in particular after the appearance of the F-16 in Ukraine, NBN reports.

Miller noted that American authorities continue to look at the needs of the Defense Forces, try to respond to them, and also assess the security situation. Based on this, they make decisions regarding the weapons transferred to Kyiv and certain bans on their use.

Commenting on the expansion of the capabilities of the Alliance countries to shoot down Russian missiles launched at Ukraine, the American official replied that such a decision should be made by all members NATO.

Earlier, the head of the German government, Olaf Scholz, explained why the German leadership will not change its position regarding the Ukrainian Armed Forces' strikes on the Russian Federation with weapons provided by Berlin.

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