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Russian video hosting RuTube app removed from AppStore

With the arrival of August, users from the Russian Federation had to deal with an artificial slowdown of YouTube: without VPN services, videos loaded slowly or were not displayed at all, which was initiated by the Russian authorities, who practically immediately recommended that the dissatisfied switch to the propaganda analogue – RuTube.

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As NBN reports with a link to the Telegram channel of the patriotic video platform RuTube, which local authorities are promoting as a full-fledged replacement for YouTube, their app has “disappeared” from the AppStore.

In particular, RuTube claims to have removed its software, allegedly due to sanctions imposed by the Cupertino company, which provide for identical measures—slowing down users' access “to our services via a mobile application,” but in reality the matter may concern the overcrowding of the specified video service with pirated and questionable content.

It should be noted that State Duma deputy from United Russia Alexander Khinshtein warned of an upcoming slowdown of YouTube by 70 percent due to the service's “anti-Russian policy.”

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