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A lawyer explained how to renew the conclusion of the military medical commission without a personal visit to the TCC

A Ukrainian liable for military service needed a consultation regarding the provision of an amended conclusion of the military medical commission (MMC) to the territorial recruitment and social support center (TRC/SP).

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As reported by “NBN”, referring to the material of the specialized consulting site YURISTI.UA, specialists helped the citizen, explaining how to correct the previous medical report (the new one was made in May 2024), since the “fresh” one was not entered into the military registration documents in accordance with the norms of the current legislation.

In particular, the legal consultant recommended that the citizen carry out the following procedure:

At the same time, the citizen does not need to undergo another VVK, since the conclusion of the doctors was received recently.

Earlier, we wrote that the Ministry of Defense told which of the military personnel would be automatically granted a deferment in “Reserve+”.

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