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The Russian Federation forces young people in the Russian Federation to join units to be sent to “help” in the Kursk region – CNS

Currently, the occupation “authorities” are holding small rallies, at which public sector employees and Russian touring performers, naturally on camera, imitate increased support from the local population for the residents of the Kursk region.

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As NBN reports with reference to the Center of National Resistance (CNS), the Kremlin has launched another propaganda campaign in the currently occupied territories (TOT) of Ukraine.

As it became known, the Russians and Gauleiters are intensively forming youth detachments that are to go to the Kursk region. Under video recording, such “volunteers” are simply packed into buses and sent to provide incomprehensible “aid” to the allegedly affected Kursk residents.

According to a local collaborator, who is the head of the regional branch of the “Young Republic” Sergei Dobrovolsky, at least a hundred young people are planned to be sent from occupied Donetsk to the terrorist state, but difficulties have arisen with the implementation of this plan.

Earlier we wrote about the fact that ISW explained the reasons why the Kremlin is afraid to introduce martial law in Russia.

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