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The Russian Foreign Ministry rejected the possibility of peace talks with Ukraine due to the Ukrainian Armed Forces offensive in Kursk region

The operation in the Kursk region, launched by our troops on Tuesday, August 6, does not stop – as of the evening of August 19, the Armed Forces of Ukraine took control of more than 90 villages and towns in the aggressor country.

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As reported by NBN with reference to the Telegram channels RIA Novosti and TASS, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry Sergei Lavrov believes that after the offensive of the Ukrainian army in the Kursk region, the beginning of the peace negotiation process between Bankova and the Kremlin is simply impossible.

According to Lavrov, the Kremlin tyrant Vladimir Putin allegedly made it clear that after the breakthrough of the Ukrainian Armed Forces into the territory of the Kursk region, there can be no talk of any negotiations with Kiev.

Also, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry added that any statements regarding the recent contact between Ukraine and the Russian Federation regarding the potential holding of negotiations (the formation of “working groups” of diplomats after the Swiss Global Peace Summit) are nothing more than than speculation, since such a procedure is more likely aimed at “promoting an ultimatum called the ‘Zelensky formula’.”

Earlier, we wrote about how the US State Department spoke about Lavrov’s chairmanship of the UN Security Council.

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